Saturday, 15 September 2007

Day 14 – Tuesday 25th September

Our plan of getting up and going for a early morning run around Rome went out of the window when Andrew silenced the alarm and we went back to sleep!! We were meeting Steve and Rachel at their hotel at 10.30 so showered and had breakfast then headed off to the ‘Savoy’!

The day was action packed and the miles racked up (approx 10 miles according to tour guide De-wilde and her guide book!)

Having arrived too late last night to go up St Peters Basicila we decided to make this out first stop of the day! On route we had a stroll in the park, walked through Popola square where they had some line fountains, but they were not a patch on the lions in Trafalgar square!! By this time we were flagging so stopped for coffee but no cake!! We climbed the 540 steps and were rewarded with amazing views of Rome and the Vatican City! Took some snaps, gave the pope a wave and headed off to wards the Forum.

On route we stopped for lunch which consisted of salad and a beer! We then stopped again to buy ice cream and we have to say it was the best ice cream ever. Andy had choc rum and prune and Sam had Amaretto yum….. yum….!!

The Forum basically is the ruins of the ancient city of Rome which was the seat of power and government through out the Roman Empire, which at its peak in approx 100 AD surrounded the Med and was pretty much the ‘known’ world……. (maps in photo album).

The highlights were the Temple to one of the gods and the coliseum, but it was all pretty impressive.

Andrew took over as map reader and tour guide and we went on an alternative tour of the city but he did manage to find us a restaurant that served gnocchi…… yum yum!!

Cocktails tonight were in a little bar on a back street called the news café, if your ever in Rome we can recommend the colada’s which came in many different flavours. We the played the game ‘mystery drink’ you had to order a drink from the menu that you had not heard of before. That lasted for 1 round before Steve and Rachel left…. Thanks again both entertaining and guiding us round Rome…. We hope you get home safely!

The ‘boyz’ then hit the town big time (for another 2 drinks) then toddled off to bed, by now it was about 12.30

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