Saturday, 15 September 2007

Wednesday 19th September

Awoke early this morning. Feeling fresh and fully fever free. Decided to head for Ephesus after a light breakfast (a banana!). Drive was great; light traffic and lovely scenery. Andy having drove all the way from Istanbul, it dawned on us that perhaps since only Sam’s passport was stamped maybe only he should drive ?? so he was chauffeur for the day… promoted from co-driver to captain temporarily.

Arrived at Ephesus without hitch (we just followed the trains of tourist coaches). A kindly leather factory outlet sales man successfully persuaded to take his free ‘bus’ to the entrance of the archaeological site via his factory outlet, however after a few minutes of his bus not turning up he got some random dude with his own car to take us. Having said that, we’ve realised there are so many ‘random’ people standing around doing apparently nothing that perhaps they aren’t so random after all! Leather shop was … erm … interesting. Smelled of cows, surely that’s against Muslim religion? Thought we’d found the place for all our souvenir presents, but having looked at the price tags we decided pencils all round it was!

Ephesus itself was pretty interesting. Two amphitheatres (which apparently translates to “anti-theatres” … obviously the Turks didn’t think they were that theatrical), a temple (Artemis’?), and amazing courts, roadways with sheltered walk ways, fountains and shops … a proper shopping centre basically!

We’d seen brochures for something touristy at Pammukale also, so we thought we’d head there next. Two and a half hours later and a stop at a very classy restaurant (Mc Donalds’) and we were passing Laodikeia (Laodicea), we saved that for the route home and headed for Pammukale which turned out to be a pretty amazing calcium deposit flowing down the hillside. For the geeks out there here’s the chemical formula: Ca (HCO3)>> CaCO3 + CO2+H2O
We paddled in the streams of this water which apparently have ‘healing powers’ for man and beast, we were sold! ... as we’re both dating medical girls at the moment we thought this was something that they’d be greatly interested in as surely it’d make their jobs easier.. therefore we bought them a bottle each home as substitute souvenir presents (sorry, no pencils for you).

Saw another anti-theatre, another gate, fountain and temple and weird tourists clinging to ropes in still water (why?), maybe it was to cool off; we chose a ice lolly and left.

Stopped in at Laodikeia and had a good look around the archaeological dig. Two huge amphitheatres next to each other, and a very impressive market place … an ancient Camden Town.
We’d always heard that the Loadiceans were a tad ‘lukewarm’, however when we arrived our car thermometer was registering 35C, so we think they were doing better… our arrival obviously bumped them up a spiritual knot or two.

Saw signs to Colossie as we left so by-passed it on our way home… another archaeological dig site.

On route home now to find a cool beer and perhaps the cocktail bar from Sunday night. It’s 7pm and still 28C! Got Wicked playing as two days without a car journey gave us withdrawal symptoms.

Well its now 20.30 and we are about 15kms from home, we should have time for a shower, and some cocktails even if we have to skip dinner (eating is cheating, those that know, will know what I mean)!! We have had a pretty great day and seen such a lot, we’ve done 480 miles, (more than day 2, but no car towing today)! This is about 9 hours of driving at an averages speed of 54mph and a fuel economy of 47.6 mpg!!

This tank of fuel has so far done 640 miles and has only just buzzed to say it needs more drink, so prob about another 40 miles to go!! What is going on?? I think we need to go back to that service station again……….!!!!

We’ll update you all on this evenings fun and frolics on tomorrows blog, get excited everyone we are on the boat…….!!!

Weather up date ever at 20.30 its still 26.5 C

Andrew and Sam

(we are writing as one so you have to work out for yourself which I is writing what……)

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